This update covers the work done in the 8th week of the coding period as well as what is expected to be done by the end of the 9th week.

Last Week’s Progress

Implementing the write method

In the last weeks, priority was given to methods that helps in writing tests that cover all types of Tiff images. After that was done, the most important method to implement was the write method as it is the main interface for the user to write pixel data without the need to format the data into tiles or strips or channels.

The function was implemented to handle all the types and cases of the Tiff images. An example usage of the function is as follows:

img = Tiff ("example.tif", "w");
setTag (img, struct(
    "ImageLength", 10,
    "ImageWidth", 10,
    "BitsPerSample", 8
data = uint8 (randi ([0,255], [10, 10]));
write(img, data);

Implementing readEncodedStrip and readEncodedTile

Next in the interface is the two methods readEncodedStrip and readEncodedTile which allows reading a specific strip or tile.

The methods take an 1-based index for a strip or tile and returns the pixel data that belong to said strip or tile.

stripData = readEncodedStrip (t, stripNumber)
tileData = readEncodedTile (t, tileNumber)

Adding class structures for tag value enums

Many of the tags supported in Tiff, take a set of predefined values that depend on the type of the tag. The Tiff interface defines a set of structures thatserve as enums for these tags.

All the structures were added to the Tiff class to allow an easier and more readable method of setting these tags.

setTag(img, "Compression", Tiff.Compression.None);

All structures can be found at the beginning of the class in Tiff.m.

Next Week’s Objectives

  • Move internal functions to corefcn
  • Finish implementing setTag
  • Implement custom read modes (readRGBAImage/Strip/Tile)
  • Implement directory manipulation methods