This update covers the work done in the 10th and 11th weeks of the coding period as well as what is expected to be done by the end of the 12th week.

Last Weeks’ Progress

Implementing Sub-directory reading and writing

Although not officialy documented, LibTIFF provides a way to write images as sub-directories, which is a feature allowed by the Tiff format specification by the use of the SubIFD tag.

Support for reading and writing these sub-directories was implemented by correctly implementing the SubIFD tag as well as the setSubDirectory method.

A guide on how to read sub-directories stored in a Tiff file can be found in matlab’s official documentation here, and writing such sub-directories is also described here.

Handling all remaining bugs / missing features

Now that all the methods of the Tiff interface were implemented, it was time to iron out all the small details that were left for later in the earlier stages of the project.

These include:

  • Support r+ mode for openning Tiff files for both reading and writing.
  • Making octave_tiff_handle class as a wrapper for the Tiff file handle returned from TIFFOpen to be passed back and forth between the Octave and the C++ sides instead of passing a pointer around.
  • Support for reading and writing images with signed integer type data.
  • Replacing any instance of malloc with a unique_ptr.
  • Allowing both LibTIFF and matlab style names for getting and setting tags (e.g. both “Photometric” and “PhotometricInterpretation” are now accepted as a tag name).
  • Support for complex tags (e.g. Photoshop, ICCProfile, and XMP).
  • Refactoring repititive code into functions to avoid duplication.

The Tiff class is now complete in terms of functions and features except for one feature which is support for YCbCr color space. This feature was left as a low priority feature since it is not widely used and is only an extension to the Tiff format specification.

Modifying imread/imwrite/imfinfo to use LibTIFF

Three new function __tiff_imread__, __tiff_imwrite__, and __tiff_imfinfo__ were implemented to act as handlers for imread, imwrite and imfinfo respectively and use LibTIFF instead of GraphicsMagick for Tiff images. These methods act as direct replacement for the private functions __imread__, __imwrite__, and __imfinfo__ although they are implemented as C++ functions directly not private Octave functions.

Some logic was added in the form of a PKG_ADD file in the scripts/image directory to conditionally switch to those handlers for tiff images if Octave is built with LibTIFF support:

if __have_feature__ ("TIFF")
    format = imformats("tif"); = @__tiff_imread__;
    format.write = @__tiff_imwrite__; = @__tiff_imfinfo__;
    imformats("update", "tif", format);

Next Week’s Objectives

  • Finalize any necessary modifications to the im* handlers or the Tiff class.
  • Add documentation to all functions so print_usage can be used.
  • Work on the “Work Product Submission” required by GSoC.